Monday Window – December 4, 2023

Office Building in Evening

Office windows in the evening

Waiting at a traffic light one evening a couple of weeks ago I was looking around and saw this office building. During the day the windows reflect the outside world and there is no hint of what transpires inside. In the fading light of the evening, however, the illuminated insides are visible.

Office Building in Evening

Of course, mostly the ceilings are visible from down in the street. Some of the offices are dark already – their day has ended. Others are still brightly lit, some work is never done. Maybe the workers there are now among the cars on the road here. We can’t see the drivers, but folks are heading home.

Taking a closer look at the building shows us some interesting views.

Office Building in Evening

On the right side the bright evening sky still reflects and keeps us from seeing inside. The front lets us see a little more. I found it interesting that in the lower left window, one can just see the last employee leaving for the night. The day is done.

Last week fellow Monday Window bloggers shared these posts:

NOTE: Other bloggers’ photos have not been copied to this site. See details.

Monday Window is a weekly blog post challenge featuring one or more photos of windows, prominently or as the main subject.

Monday Window posts are published each Monday morning at about 2:00 UTC.

To join the challenge, release a post featuring a window or windows any time during the week. Tag your post “Monday Window” (NOTE: Put a space between Monday and Window, no “s”, Window is singular.) Add a comment to the Monday Window post, and, if you like, include a link in your post to the latest Monday Window post.

Please visit the participating blogs. You will be delighted and astounded by the rich and imaginative offerings by the bloggers from around the world.

See Monday Window posts

.:. © 2023 Ludwig Keck

By Ludwig

Lending a helping hand where I can. . . My motto: If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.


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