Monday Window – May 4, 2020

Window reflection or reality?

Especially with buildings that are wrapped in window walls it is often hard to tell reality from reflection. As you look closely you can see the distortions that tell you that you are seeing the reflection. A bit like life nowadays, it is hard to tell what’s real.

Monday Window is a weekly blog post challenge featuring one or more photos of windows, prominently or as the main subject. Please see the sidebar.

See Monday Window postsPlease visit the participating blogs. You will be delighted and astounded by the rich and imaginative offerings by the bloggers from around the world.

.:. © 2020 Ludwig Keck

By Ludwig

Lending a helping hand where I can. . . My motto: If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.


    1. Not an arcade, eklastic, it is actually a bank. I was accosted by a guard moments after taking these photos. He thought I was “casing the joint”.

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